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Yoga-teacher, writer, editor, lecturer, the Dharma bum...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wild Yogi magazine, new issue november 2011

David Swenson. "How it all began." Hippie-surfers and a half of joint as a fee for yoga class.

Gauri. "You are part of Shiva. In fact you are Shiva by your nature." Shri Chandrashekhar Mahaswamiji talks about his life and tradition.

Mikhail Baranov. "Kumbhaka in Asanas. Part 1." 99 percents of practice, for advanced practitioners only!

Ilya Zhuravlev. "Mother Nature and God test how strong your belief is." Interview with yogacharya Madhavan from South India.

Pandit David Frawley. "Ayurveda completely accepts yoga philosophy - karma, moksha and so on."

Đ¢atiana Tretyakova. "Yoga is a soul work as are all shamanic practices." Interview with Danny Paradise.

Natasha Sander. "A step away from paradise: Tibetan lama's extraordinary journey to the land of immortality." Interview with Thomas K. Shor.

Artem Frolov. "Yoga-therapy in gynecology."

"Yoga is music: the rhythm of your body, the melody of your mind." Interview with Rakesh Pandey from Varanasi.

Mikhail Baranov. "Veg Yogic Pancakes."

